New Obstetrical Patient Information | Ocala, FL

Congratulations on your pregnancy!

Welcoming a baby into the world is one of the most thrilling moments in a woman’s life! At Dr. Marquette’s practice, we are dedicated to assisting with the birth of babies every day. Whether it’s your first child or a joyful new addition to your family, Dr. Marquette and his team are honored to support you and share in the happiness of welcoming your newest family member. From the start of your pregnancy to delivery and postpartum visits, your care and personal needs are our top priority. Obstetrical care is unique to each patient, and we tailor your pregnancy journey to meet your individual needs. Choosing the best obstetrician in Ocala ensures that a mother-to-be can feel secure and enjoy the experience, knowing she is in the best hands. A specialized obstetrician can make the childbirth process pleasant, relaxed, and safe. Dr. Marquette will be with you through prenatal care, delivery, and postpartum care.

What to Expect During Prenatal Care:

We like to see expectant mothers for the first time between 8-10 weeks gestation. Initially, in a normal pregnancy, you will have appointments every 4 weeks. Dr. Marquette will collect your health history, make sure that you have access to prenatal vitamins, and write a prescription if necessary. During your first trimester visits, you can expect blood work, ultrasound, urine analysis, and a pap smear if necessary, and your physician will listen to the fetal heart tones of your baby. At subsequent visits, your will continue to learn more about what to expect during your pregnancy.

As the exciting date gets closer, your visits will become more frequent. At your 28th week of pregnancy, we will schedule your visits every two weeks. Once you reach your 36th week of pregnancy, we will schedule your visits weekly. On average, expect to be seen 12-15 times during the pregnancy. You will have many opportunities to ask questions. Dr. Marquette and his staff are here for you and available to answer any questions or concerns.

As your due date approaches, Dr. Marquette will talk to you about the signs of labor and may begin checking your cervix shortly before your due date. A normal pregnancy is considered full term at 40 weeks. However, we may let the pregnancy go for up to 41 weeks as long as fetal monitoring is reassuring.

Obstetrical Ultrasound

An ultrasound image of a baby inside mom is an unbelievable breakthrough in modern medicine. The information your doctor can obtain from the ultrasound is incomparable and has vastly improved how we care for pregnancy. It allows us to estimate the size and weight of the baby, the position and sex of the baby, and the amount of amniotic fluid. This greatly enhances our ability to assess your baby’s well-being, as well as to see more subtle changes associated with certain pregnancy problems. Dr. Marquette will examine your baby by ultrasound several times during your pregnancy.

Some of the indications for ultrasound are:

  • Confirm gestational age and estimated due date
  • Monitor size
  • Ensure sufficient amniotic fluid
  • Ensure baby is in a head-down position
  • Evaluate the baby’s movements
  • Evaluate blood flow through the placenta

From a parent’s perspective, there is nothing like being able to see your precious child even before birth. At your first ultrasound, as early as six weeks gestation, you will most likely see the heart beating; as your pregnancy progresses, you can see the baby grow and develop. This allows you to start bonding from the very beginning. You get the peace of mind that your baby looks healthy, and if your pregnancy is challenging, ultrasound helps to ensure the best possible outcome.

3D/4D Entertainment Ultrasound

3D Ultrasound in Ocala FL - Obstetrics - Dr. Raymond Marquette

The first glimpse of your baby is something you will remember forever. Dr. Marquette is proud to offer the latest ultrasound technology available. With modern technology, our state-of-the-art advanced ultrasound equipment provides 3D and 4D images of your baby. You can see the actual face of your unborn child, with every facial detail, as well as the activities that your baby is doing inside – from sleeping and thumb-sucking to kicking and laughing!

Pregnancy doesn’t have to be filled with guesses and unknowns. When you need an ultrasound in Ocala, our office provides first-rate medical procedures so that you can have the confidence and reassurance that you are going to have a wonderful pregnancy.

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Schedule an appointment at 352-622-2229

Meet Dr. Marquette

Dr. Raymond Marquette
Dr. Marquette has been in private practice in Ocala since 1996. He serves as Chief of Obstetrics and Gynecology at AdventHealth. In addition, he is the Medical Director of the Midwives of Ocala. Find Out More